The methods of the SharpPlot class are listed below.
AddAttributes | Insert arbitrary content in the XML output for known text items |
AddBookmark | Bookmark this page with name, level, openflag and weblink |
AddComment | Insert a note with optional id and compression switch |
AddEffect | Allow user to associate arbitrary SVG/XAML with any standard text item or subitem |
AddHints | Apply an array of hints to a set of text items |
AddHyperlinks | Apply an array of links to a set of text items |
AddJavaPrologue | Include the definition of a JavaScript function in the output chart |
AddTableShading | Add a combination of Color and Fill to an individual table cell |
AddTips | Apply an array of tips to a set of text items |
DefineFont | Create a definition for a font, including CSS details and PostScript name |
DrawBarChart |  Draws a grouped or stacked barchart from an array of arrays of values |
DrawBoxPlot |  Construct compound box-whisker plot from a data array and two integer category arrays |
DrawBubbleChart |  Scatterplot from 2 arrays of data with markers scaled by 3rd array |
DrawCloudChart |  3D Scatter from x,y and multiple z values |
DrawContourPlot |  Contour plot from 3 arrays of double values |
DrawDialChart |  Draw a dial or gauge from data and pointer radii |
DrawFrame |  Draw current frame, with any fixed text such as headings and footnotes |
DrawGanttChart |  Gantt chart from 3 double arrays of Y-values, X-start and X-end values |
DrawHistogram |  Construct a histogram from a floating-point vector |
DrawImage |  Add an image to a chart |
DrawKey |  This will draw and clear any pending keys, using the current setting of key text. |
DrawLineGraph |  Construct plot from array of arrays of y values and x-values |
DrawMinMaxChart |  Create hi-lo plot from arrays of max,min and optional axis values |
DrawMultiple |  Multiple plot from double array of arrays of y-values versus double x-values |
DrawNetworkMap |  Draw a network of nodes and their link strengths |
DrawNote |  Write text note given text, position, angle and maximum width |
DrawPieChart |  Piechart from data and sector explosions |
DrawPolarChart |  Polar plot from multiple series and times or angles |
DrawPolygon |  Draw polygon from x and y coordinates, with optional Color, FillStyle, line width and LineStyle |
DrawResponsePlot |  Draw 3D grid, and construct surface from multiple vectors of zValues giving rows and columns |
DrawScatterPlot |  Make a scatter plot from x and y data |
DrawStepChart |  Stepped line from arrays of height data and step-start values |
DrawTable |  Build a table from an array of arrays of strings, giving cells in columns |
DrawTowerChart |  Tower chart from an array of arrays of height values |
DrawTraceChart |  Draw a set of parallel traces from an array of arrays of Y-values and an array of X-values |
DrawTreeMap |  Draw a treemap of a vector of items (may be paired with depth vector or a triplet of value,depth,altitude) |
DrawTriangle |  Construct triangle chart from data (3 series giving proportions or counts) |
DrawVectors |  Vector plot from 4 series of x y x y |
DrawVennDiagram |  Draw a Venn diagram using supplied membership data |
DrawXBarChart |  XBarchart from multiple data series and x-values |
FindExtremes | Determines the extreme values from an array of data, allowing for the ‘Curves’ style |
GetAltitudeColors | Get the array of colors used in Altitude Colors |
GetCharsets | Return the list of used characters for each used font |
GetCoefficients | Coefficients of model fit |
GetColors | Get the array of colors used by upcoming series |
GetFillStyles | Get an array of fill-styles used by upcoming series |
GetFittedValues | Fitted values from model |
GetITickPositions | Calculated Inner ticks |
GetKeyBoxes | Get bounding boxes of the latest round of drawn Keys |
GetKeyIndices | Get int[] setting for Key indices |
GetLabelMask | Label mask |
GetLineStyles | Get the array of line-styles to be used by upcoming series. |
GetMarkerColors | Get the array of colors used in Marker Colors |
GetMarkers | Get the array of markers for upcoming series |
GetNetworkMapLinkArc | NetworkMap Link Arc |
GetNetworkMapSelfArc | NetworkMap Self Arc |
GetPaperSize | Get paper size as a 2-item double vector (width height) |
GetPenWidths | Get the array of line-widths for upcoming series |
GetResiduals | Residuals from modelfit |
GetTextSize | Get text width and height in points |
GetTrellisBoxes | Get the current trellis boxes as a list of (x y x y) coordinates |
GetViewpoint | Get 3D viewpoint given a set of roll,pitch,yaw values in degrees |
GetXTickPositions | Calculated X tickmarks |
GetYTickPositions | Calculated Y tickmarks |
GetZTickPositions | Calculated Z tickmarks |
GroupBy | Group by unique values |
IncludeSource | Add arbitrary (SVG/EPS) content to beginning or end of output stream |
MapCoords | Maps a matched pair of (x,y) co-ordinate arrays to points |
NewCell | Move to the next cell in the current trellis. |
NewFrame | Clear the area for a new chart with new frame size and position. |
NewPage | Move on to next page |
NewYAxis | Partial reset to allow independent secondary Y-axis |
NextNote | Returns the correct position for the next note text allowing given extra space in pts |
ReadComment | Recover comments saved to file in any output format or passed as a string |
ReadPdfStream | Recover any page from an encoded PDF |
RedrawAxes | Overdraws the axes with optional framing |
RenderAnimatedSvg | Return chart rendered as animated SVG, with one frame per page |
RenderBitmap | Return completed chart rendered through raster engine as a Bitmap object |
RenderChartLog | Return completed chart as a readable log |
RenderDocument | Return completed chart as a Document instance |
RenderEps | Return completed chart rendered as Encapsulated PostScript |
RenderImageMap | Return tags to make an HTML imagemap for completed chart |
RenderJsonChartMap | Return JSON arrays to make a map for entire chart |
RenderMetafile | Return or stream completed chart as one of the Extended Metafile formats |
RenderPS | Return completed chart rendered as raw PostScript |
RenderPageMap | Return an instance of the PageMap class to allow active graphics applications with completed chart |
RenderPdf | Return completed chart as a PDF stream |
RenderSvg | Return completed chart rendered as SVG |
RenderVml | Return completed chart as a VML string |
RenderXaml | Return completed chart rendered as a XAML Canvas |
Reset | Clear SharpPlot taking optional paper size (width,height in pts) |
ResetKey | Removes any accumulated key definitions |
ResetProperties | All properties except trellis definitions are returned to default values. |
SaveAnimatedGif | Save chart rendered through raster engine as an animated GIF file, one frame per page. |
SaveAnimatedSvg | Save chart to named file as animated SVG, with one frame per page |
SaveChartLog | Save completed chart as a readable log file |
SaveEps | Save completed chart to named file as Encapsulated PostScript |
SaveImage | Save completed chart rendered through raster engine as an image file |
SavePS | Save completed chart to named file as raw PostScript |
SavePdf | Save completed chart to named file as PDF |
SaveSvg | Save completed chart to named file as SVG |
SaveVml | Save chart to named file as VML, optionally wrapped into HTML |
SaveXaml | Save completed chart to named file as a XAML Canvas |
SetAltitudeColors | Set Altitude Colors |
SetArrowStyle | Set Arrow format from Arrow size, with optional sweep angle and fill pattern |
SetAxesScales | Set Axes scales given an array of numbers or a single value |
SetAxisStyle | Set Axis format from any reasonable combination of lineColor, lineStyle and lineWidth |
SetBackground | Set Paper from any reasonable combination of fillColor, fillStyle and edgeWidth |
SetBarWidths | Set Bar widths given an array of numbers or a single value |
SetBaselineStyle | Set Baseline format from any reasonable combination of lineColor, lineStyle and lineWidth |
SetCaptionFont | Set Caption font from a combination of fontname, size, style, colour |
SetCellSize | Set Cellsize (width,height) from a single value or X value and Y value pair |
SetChartBackground | Set Chart background from any reasonable combination of fillColor, fillStyle and edgeWidth |
SetChartName | Assign a non-default name to the current chart |
SetColors | Set a color or an array of colors to be used by upcoming series |
SetContourStyle | Set Contour format from any reasonable combination of lineColor, lineStyle and lineWidth |
SetContourTagFont | Set ContourTag font from a combination of fontname, size, style, colour |
SetDataWindow | Set Window for data given an array of values or a single value |
SetDatumLineStyle | Set DatumLine style from any reasonable combination of lineColor, lineStyle and lineWidth |
SetDatumLineTags | Set Datumline tags from a delimited string or a string array |
SetDatumTagFont | Set DatumTag font from a combination of fontname, size, style, colour |
SetEdgeStyle | Set Edge format from any reasonable combination of lineColor, lineStyle and lineWidth |
SetEffects | Set Effect cycle – string or string array |
SetEquationNumericFormat | Set Equation numeric format from a simple string or an array of strings |
SetEquationPosition | Set Equation position from a single value or X value and Y value pair |
SetFillStyles | Set a fill-style or an array of fill-styles for use by upcoming series Set an array of fill-styles for use by upcoming series |
SetFootnoteFont | Set Footnote font from a combination of fontname, size, style, colour |
SetFrameBackground | Set Frame background from any reasonable combination of fillColor, fillStyle and edgeWidth |
SetGridLineStyle | Set Gridline format from any reasonable combination of lineColor, lineStyle and lineWidth |
SetHeadingFont | Set Heading font from a combination of fontname, size, style, colour |
SetHeadingNudge | Set Heading nudge(x,y) from given displacements |
SetIDataRange | Set Inner data range given an array of numbers or a single value |
SetILabelFont | Set Inner label font from a combination of fontname, size, style, colour |
SetILabels | Set Inner axis labels from a simple string or an array of strings |
SetIRange | Set Inner axis range range given maximum and optional minimum values |
SetITickMarks | Set Inner axis tick marks given an array of numbers or a single value |
SetIZones | Set Inner axis zones given one or more Zone definitions |
SetKeyBackground | Set Key background fill from any reasonable combination of fillColor, fillStyle and edgeWidth |
SetKeyFont | Set Key font from a combination of fontname, size, style, colour |
SetKeyFrame | Key frame (ltwh in pts) Frame given top corner and size |
SetKeyIndices | Set Key indices given an array of values or a single value |
SetKeyNudge | Set Key box nudge from given displacements |
SetKeyText | Set Legend texts for key from a delimited string or a string array |
SetLabelFont | Set Label font from a combination of fontname, size, style, colour |
SetLabelMask | Set Label mask from a mask (always treated as flags) |
SetLineStyles | Set a Line-style or an array of line-styles to be used by upcoming series. |
SetMargins | Set chart margins individually or as a group |
SetMarkerColors | Set Marker Colors |
SetMarkerScales | Set Marker scales given an array of numbers or a single value |
SetMarkers | Set up a marker or an array of markers for upcoming series |
SetModelSpan | Set Modelfit span range given maximum and optional minimum values |
SetNetworkMapLinkArc | Set NetworkMap Link Arc given an array of numbers or a single value |
SetNetworkMapSelfArc | Set NetworkMap Self Arc given an array of numbers or a single value |
SetNewline | Set Newline to any single character |
SetNoteBackground | Set Note background from any reasonable combination of fillColor, fillStyle and edgeWidth |
SetNoteFont | Set Note font from a combination of fontname, size, style, colour |
SetNoteNudge | Set Note nudge from given displacements |
SetOrderOfFit | Order of fit for x and y axes (3D charts or contour plots) |
SetPageLabels | Set Page-labels from a simple string or an array of strings |
SetParityLimitStyle | Set Parity limit style from any reasonable combination of lineColor, lineStyle and lineWidth |
SetParityLineStyle | Set Parity axis style from any reasonable combination of lineColor, lineStyle and lineWidth |
SetParityZoneStyle | Set Parity zone style from any reasonable combination of fillColor, fillStyle and edgeWidth |
SetPenWidths | Set a line-width or an array of line-widths for use by upcoming data series |
SetPieCenter | Set Pie centre (xy) from a single value or X value and Y value pair |
SetSelection | Set Selection mask for data from a mask (always treated as flags) |
SetSeriesNames | Assign a list of names to the upcoming data series |
SetSubheadingFont | Set Subheading font from a combination of fontname, size, style, colour |
SetTablePosition | Set Table position and size from x,y and optional width and height |
SetTowerFillStyles | Tower ptns (top,face,edge) for Walls and towers (single value sets all three) |
SetTrellis | Makes a trellis specification from a cell count or cell layout |
SetValueFont | Set Value tag font from a combination of fontname, size, style, colour |
SetValueNudge | Set Value nudge from a pair of displacements or matching arrays |
SetValueTags | Set Value tags from a delimited string or a string array |
SetViewpoint | Set 3D viewpoint given a set of roll,pitch,yaw values in degrees |
SetWallFillStyles | Wall patterns (YZ,XZ,XY) for Walls and towers (single value sets all three) |
SetWeightings | Set Weights for modelfit given an array of numbers or a single value |
SetXCaptionFont | Set X Caption font from a combination of fontname, size, style, colour |
SetXDataRange | Set X data range given an array of numbers or a single value |
SetXDatumLines | Set X datum line(s) given an array of numbers or a single value |
SetXGridLines | Set X gridline(s) given an array of numbers or a single value |
SetXLabelFont | Set X label font from a combination of fontname, size, style, colour |
SetXLabelNudge | Set X-label nudge from given displacements |
SetXLabels | Set X labels from a delimited string or a string array |
SetXRange | Set X axis range range given maximum and optional minimum values |
SetXTickLengths | Set X tick lengths given an array of numbers or a single value |
SetXTickMarks | Define X tick marks as intervals or an explicit array giving irregular settings |
SetXZones | Set X zone given one or more Zone definitions |
SetYCaptionFont | Set Y Caption font from a combination of fontname, size, style, colour |
SetYDataRange | Set Y data range given an array of numbers or a single value |
SetYDatumLines | Set Y datum line(s) given an array of numbers or a single value |
SetYGridLines | Set Y gridline(s) given an array of numbers or a single value |
SetYLabelFont | Set Y label font from a combination of fontname, size, style, colour |
SetYLabelNudge | Set Y-label nudge from given displacements |
SetYLabels | Set Y labels from a delimited string or a string array |
SetYRange | Set Y axis range range given maximum and optional minimum values |
SetYTickLengths | Set Y-tick lengths given an array of numbers or a single value |
SetYTickMarks | Define Y tick marks as intervals or an explicit array giving irregular settings |
SetYZones | Set Y zone given one or more Zone definitions |
SetZCaptionFont | Set Z Caption font from a combination of fontname, size, style, colour |
SetZDataRange | Set Z data range given an array of numbers or a single value |
SetZDatumLines | Set Z datum line(s) given an array of numbers or a single value |
SetZLabelFont | Set Z label font from a combination of fontname, size, style, colour |
SetZLabels | Set Z labels from a simple string or an array of strings |
SetZRange | Set Z axis range range given maximum and optional minimum values |
SetZTickMarks | Define Z tick marks as intervals or an explicit array giving irregular settings |
SetZZones | Set Z zone given one or more Zone definitions |
SplitBy | Split by unique values |
UseCmyk | Use a color defined by 4 inks (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) rather than RGB intensities (Red, Green, Blue) |