Common Reference > DbUtil Class DbUtil Class
This class provides a small set of static methods for extracting array data from database tables. See the tutorial on aggregating data for some worked examples.
public class DbUtil
DbUtil Methods

filler = (int)sp.MissingValue;
mytable = new DataTable(); // Get some real data here!;
myselection = mytable.Select("year>2006 AND symb='BP'");
int[] BP = DbUtil.GetIntegers(myselection,filler,"SharePrice");
sp.Heading = "BP";
sp.HeadingStyle = HeadingStyles.Right;
This example simply retrieves one complete column from the current selection, using SharpPlot’s missing value setting to replace any DBNull values in the data.
RequirementsNamespace: Causeway Assembly: SharpPlot (in sharpplot.dll)
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