SharpPlot Reference > SharpPlot Properties > LineGraphStyle Property

SharpPlot.LineGraphStyle Property

Set Linegraph style to any combination of flags.

public LineGraphStyles LineGraphStyle {get; set;}


sp.LineGraphStyle = LineGraphStyles.XYPlot;


AnnotateModelAnnotate model with computed equation
ArrowLinesDraw arrows at ends of lines
CellsCreatedMake cells at each marker for miniature plots
ClippedClip axes and all lines and markers at chart edge
CrispEdgesTurns off anti-aliasing on data lines
CroppedAxesCrops all chart elements at the axis boundary
CurvesPoints are joined with smooth curves rather than straight lines
ExplodeAxesAxes are set back from the plotting area
FilledLines are completed back to the start and shaded inside the region created
FrameAxesAxes are completed to frame chart and all data is cropped
GridLinesDraw gridlines (all axes)
GrowthCurveGrowth curve (exponential) is computed
HaloMarkersHalo all markers
IndexedData is indexed to the initial value = 100
MarkersMarkers are drawn at data points
ModelFitCompute and show regression line or surface
NoAxesNo axes are drawn on the chart
NoLinesNo lines are drawn (turns off default)
OnTopModelModelfit is drawn ontop of data
OverlayGridGridlines are drawn ontop of data
RisersDraw risers to data points from axis or fitted model
SegmentLinesBreak lines at missing values rather than drawing across the gap
SkipRepeatsRepeated y-values are eliminated (treated as missing values)
SkipRunsRuns of identical y-values are eliminated (preserves the first and last of each run)
SurfaceShadingSurface shading is used on linecharts, down to the axis or a given baseline
TrendLineCompute trend line (Gaussian smooth)
ValueTagsValue tags are written for data items
XYPlotFirst column gives the X-values for LinePlot

See also ...

SharpPlot Members | SharpPlot.DrawLineGraph Method

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