SharpPlot Reference > SharpPlot Enumerations > EquationStyles Enumeration EquationStyles Enumeration
Placement and other options for model-fit equation (flags).
public enum EquationStyles
Absolute | Position is interpreted in points | AtEnd | Outside the line at the right-hand end | Below | Below the line | ForceOrigin | Force fitted line through the origin | Left | Left end of fitted line | LinearFit | Force a linear equation even if we have logarithmic axes | Middle | Middle of fitted line | Opaque | Opaque background to text | Percentage | Position is interpreted in percentage of axes | SpanData | Fitted line spans data range, not X-axis | Straddle | Straddling the line |
RequirementsNamespace: Causeway Assembly: SharpPlot (in sharpplot.dll)
See also ...SharpPlot Members | SharpPlot.EquationStyle Property
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