SharpLeaf Reference > SharpLeaf Methods > GetRemainingWidth Method SharpLeaf.GetRemainingWidth Method
Get available width in current frame.
public double GetRemainingWidth(
bool text
- get width for flowing text on current line, rather than generally available frame width.
return value
- width available.
if (72 < lf.GetRemainingWidth(true)) { // less than an inch for text
lf.NextClear(); // Skip wrap-arounds
If text is false, returns the frame width less gutter, left and right indents and included wrap-arounds. If text is true, returns the remaining width available for flowing text on current line (which will be less than the above).
See also ...Paragraph Glossary | SharpLeaf Members | SharpLeaf.FrameLeft Property (ReadOnly) | SharpLeaf.FrameWidth Property (ReadOnly)
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