SharpPlot Reference > SharpPlot Enumerations > HistogramStyles Enumeration HistogramStyles Enumeration
Histogram style (flags).
public enum HistogramStyles
CroppedAxes | Crops all chart elements at the axis boundary | ExplodeAxes | Axes are set back from the plotting area | FrameAxes | Axes are completed to frame chart and all data is cropped | GridLines | Draw gridlines (all axes) | Mean | Histogram marks the mean value with a datumline | NormalCurve | Histogram shows a fitted Normal Distribution | OverlayGrid | Gridlines are drawn ontop of data | Risers | Draw risers to data points from axis or fitted model | SDev1 | Histogram marks 1 StdDev with a datumline | SDev2 | Histogram marks 2 StdDev with a datumline | SDev3 | Histogram marks 3 StdDev with a datumline | SurfaceShading | Surface shading is used on linecharts, down to the axis or a given baseline | ValueTags | Value tags are written for data items |
RequirementsNamespace: Causeway Assembly: SharpPlot (in sharpplot.dll)
See also ...SharpPlot Members | SharpPlot.HistogramStyle Property | SharpPlot.DrawHistogram Method
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