SharpLeaf Reference > TextBlock : PageElement Class > TextBlock Constructor > (String,FontType,Double,Double,Double,Double,Alignment,VerticalAlignment,Boolean)

TextBlock Constructor (String,FontType,Double,Double,Double,Double,Alignment,VerticalAlignment,Boolean)

Create a text to be drawn fixed-size along the specified line, with optional wrapping and alignment.

public TextBlock(
    string caption,
    FontType font,
    double xfrom,
    double yfrom,
    double xto,
    double yto,
    Alignment align,
    VerticalAlignment valign,
    bool wrap
Text to be displayed.
Font to use.
Start of line to draw text along (in points – positive from top/left of paper, negative from bottom/right).
Start of line to draw text along (in points – positive from top/left of paper, negative from bottom/right).
End of line to draw text along (in points – positive from top/left of paper, negative from bottom/right).

See also ...

TextBlock.Members | TextBlock.TextBlock Constructor

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