SharpPlot Reference > SharpPlot Properties > TriangleStyle Property

SharpPlot.TriangleStyle Property

Set Triangle chart style to any combination of flags.

public TriangletStyles TriangleStyle {get; set;}


sp.TriangleStyle = TriangleStyles.Markers+TriangleStyles.Labelled;


CurvesPoints are joined with smooth curves rather than straight lines
FilledLines are completed back to the start and shaded inside the region created
GridLinesDraw gridlines (all axes)
HaloMarkersHalo all markers (improves 3D effect on Cloud charts)
LabelledTriangle plot is drawn with labelled sides
LinesDatapoints are connected with lines
MarkersMarkers are drawn at data points
PercentageTriangle plots are labelled in the range 0-100
RedrawOutlineChart outline is redrawn over filled areas
SideCaptionsTriangle captions are moved to the sides
ValueTagsValue tags are written for data items

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