SharpLeaf Reference > ParagraphStyle Structure > Members



ParagraphStyle Instance Properties

AlignmentText horizontal alignment within frame (default is Alignment.Left)
BookmarkLevelLevel of automatic bookmarking at each new paragraph (defaults to 0 for disabled)
BookmarkOpenedFlag for automatic bookmarks to be opened in the viewer (defaults to false)
BulletFontBullet Font (default to null for working paragraph font)
BulletIndentExtra indenting in points for bulletted paragraphs (defaults to 0)
ClearLeftThis paragraph type will skip all inclusions on the left margin before starting (default is false)
ClearRightThis paragraph type will skip all inclusions on the right margin before starting (default is false)
FontWorking font (name, size, style, color and interline)
FrameBreakThis paragraph type will always begin in a new frame (default is false)
HorizontalGapHorizontal space around inclusions, bullets and boxes (positive is absolute size in points, negative is multiple of line pitch)
IndentFirstFirst line indent in points (default is 0)
IndentFirstAfterChangeFlag to control first indent after a change of style (true by default)
IndentLeftLeft indent in points from edge of frame (default is 0)
IndentRightRight indent in points from edge of frame (default is 0)
KeepNumber of lines to keep together at the start or end of a paragraph – also known as widows and orphans (default is 1 for disabled)
PageBreakThis paragraph type will always begin on a new page (default is false)
SpaceAfterTrailing paragraph space (positive is absolute size in points, negative is multiple of line pitch) (default is 0)
SpaceBeforeLeading paragraph space (positive is absolute size in points, negative is multiple of line pitch) (default is 0)
SpaceBetweenFlag to enable SpaceBefore and SpaceAfter between paragraphs using the same style (defaults to true)
SpaceFollowingAvailable space to bottom of frame which must follow this paragraph (positive is absolute size in points, negative is multiple of line pitch) (defaults to 0)
SpaceStartingAvailable space to bottom of frame required to start this paragraph (positive is absolute size in points, negative is multiple of line pitch) (defaults to 0)
WrapWrap text between margin (defaults to true)

ParagraphStyle Methods

AddTabDefine a new tab with position and optional alignment – clearing default tabs if unset so far
CloneTake a deep copy of a ParagraphStyle, so that properties can be changed without changing the original style
ResetTabsSet tab-bar back to system default of twelve 72pt tabs
SetUpdate current style with a set of properties and values as a string
SetBulletSet string to use for bulletted lists (defaults to empty string to disable bullets)
SetTabAlignmentsSet Alignment for each existing tab stop (defaults to Alignment.Left)
SetTabsSet the full list of tab stops positions in points from left edge of frame
ToStringParsable summary of style settings


Namespace: Causeway

Assembly: SharpPlot (in sharpplot.dll)

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