SharpLeaf Tutorials > APL paragraphs

APL paragraphs

Here’s the definition of the sample paragraphs used in a couple of SharpLeaf tutorials

   aplparas = new string[]{"The mathematical notation for manipulating arrays which "+
            "developed into the APL programming language was developed by Iverson at "+
            "Harvard University starting in 1957, and published in his A Programming "+
            "Language in 1962. The preface states its premise:","Applied mathematics "+
            "is largely concerned with the design and analysis of explicit procedures "+
            "for calculating the exact or approximate values of various functions. "+
            "Such explicit procedures are called algorithms or programs. Because an "+
            "effective notation for the description of programs exhibits considerable "+
            "syntactic structure, it is called a programming language.","In 1960, he "+
            "began work for IBM and, working with Adin Falkoff, created APL based on "+
            "the notation he had developed. This notation was used inside IBM for "+
            "short research reports on computer systems, such as the Burroughs B5000 "+
            "and its stack mechanism when stack machines versus register machines were "+
            "being evaluated by IBM for upcoming computers.","Also in 1960, Iverson "+
            "used his notation in a draft of the chapter \"A Programming Language\", "+
            "written for a book he was writing with Fred Brooks, Automatic Data "+
            "Processing, which would be published in 1963.","As early as 1962, the "+
            "first attempt to use the notation to describe a complete computer system "+
            "happened after Falkoff discussed with Dr. William C. Carter his work in "+
            "the standardization of the instruction set for the machines that later "+
            "became the IBM System/360 family.","In 1963, Herbert Hellerman, working "+
            "at the IBM Systems Research Institute, implemented a part of the notation "+
            "on an IBM 1620 computer, and it was used by students in a special high "+
            "school course on calculating transcendental functions by series "+
            "summation. Students tested their code in Hellerman's lab. This "+
            "implementation of a portion of the notation was called PAT (Personalized "+
            "Array Translator).","In 1963, Falkoff, Iverson, and Edward H. Sussenguth "+
            "Jr., all working at IBM, used the notation for a formal description of "+
            "the IBM System/360 series machine architecture and functionality, which "+
            "resulted in a paper published in IBM Systems Journal in 1964. After this "+
            "was published, the team turned their attention to an implementation of "+
            "the notation on a computer system. One of the motivations for this focus "+
            "of implementation was the interest of John L. Lawrence who had new duties "+
            "with Science Research Associates, an educational company bought by IBM in "+
            "1964. Lawrence asked Iverson and his group to help utilize the language "+
            "as a tool for the development and use of computers in education.","After "+
            "Lawrence M. Breed and Philip S. Abrams of Stanford University joined the "+
            "team at IBM Research, they continued their prior work on an "+
            "implementation programmed in FORTRAN IV for a portion of the notation was "+
            "done for the IBM 7090 computer running under the IBSYS operating system. "+
            "This work was finished in late 1965 and later known as IVSYS (Iverson "+
            "System). The basis of this implementation was described in detail by "+
            "Abrams in a Stanford University Technical Report, \"An Interpreter for "+
            "Iverson Notation\" in 1966. Like Hellerman's PAT system earlier, this "+
            "implementation did not include the APL character set but used special "+
            "English reserved words for functions and operators. The system was later "+
            "adapted for a time-sharing system and, by November 1966, it had been "+
            "reprogrammed for the IBM/360 Model 50 computer running in a time sharing "+
            "mode and was used internally at IBM.","IBM typeballs (one OCR) with clip, "+
            "€2 coin for scale","A key development in the ability to use APL "+
            "effectively, before the widespread use of CRT terminals, was the "+
            "development of a special IBM Selectric typewriter interchangeable "+
            "typeball with all the special APL characters on it. This was used on "+
            "paper printing terminal workstations using the Selectric typewriter and "+
            "typeball mechanism, such as the IBM 1050 and IBM 2741 terminal. Keycaps "+
            "could be placed over the normal keys to show which APL characters would "+
            "be entered and typed when that key was struck. For the first time, a "+
            "programmer could actually type in and see real APL characters as used in "+
            "Iverson's notation and not be forced to use awkward English keyword "+
            "representations of them. Falkoff and Iverson had the special APL "+
            "Selectric typeballs, 987 and 988, designed in late 1964, although no APL "+
            "computer system was available to use them. Iverson cited Falkoff as the "+
            "inspiration for the idea of using an IBM Selectric typeball for the APL "+
            "character set.","A programmer's view of the IBM 2741 keyboard layout with "+
            "the APL typeball print head inserted","Some APL symbols, even with the "+
            "APL characters on the typeball, still had to be typed in by over-striking "+
            "two existing typeball characters. An example would be the \"grade up\" "+
            "character, which had to be made from a \"delta\" (shift-H) and a "+
            "\"Sheffer stroke\" (shift-M). This was necessary because the APL "+
            "character set was larger than the 88 characters allowed on the Selectric "+
            "typeball.","The first APL interactive login and creation of an APL "+
            "workspace was in 1966 by Larry Breed using an IBM 1050 terminal at the "+
            "IBM Mohansic Labs near Thomas J. Watson Research Center, the home of APL, "+
            "in Yorktown Heights, New York.","IBM was chiefly responsible for the "+
            "introduction of APL to the marketplace. APL was first available in 1967 "+
            "for the IBM 1130 as APL\\1130. It would run in as little as 8k 16-bit "+
            "words of memory, and used a dedicated 1 megabyte hard disk."};

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